
In the 16th century, this temple was enshrined as Sithar Temple by one of our ancestors. In the early days, this temple was managed by our ancestor’s families i.e. by Pangalis (brother families of a generation), and they were the Parambarai Poosarigal (families doing free service as the temple priests for generations). Though the temple management was done on a turn-based basis, it was streamlined in 1863.
The records authenticate from the year 1863, and a systematic regulation is formulated between themselves to manage the temple. Accordingly, one of the families has to manage and conduct temple festivals, protect the temple’s movable and immovable belongings, perform daily prayer and other rituals with the coordination of Pangalis, for one Tamil calendar year. The management period starts from the 2nd day of Tamil month Chithirai and ends on the 1st day of Chithirai the following year. This practice is followed to date by these families.
A registered body by the name “Puliyuran Arulmigu Chithanatha gurunathasami Temple Parambarai Poosarigal Sangam” has been formed by the members of Pangalis, to look into the affairs of the temple, and to do temple renovation works regularly.